Tuesday, 29 November 2011

ULTIMATE! cakera terbang

ULTIMATE menggabungkan ciri-ciri terbaik gerakan tanpa henti dan ketahanan kecergasan sukan seperti ragbi, bola sepak, bola keranjang, bola sepak Amerika dan bola jaring ke dalam permainan ini namun menarik dan mencabar. Walaupun menggabungkan banyak jenis sukan, tetapi kesederhanaan peraturan-peraturan membuatkan ia mudah dan menyeronokkan untuk pendatang baru untuk bermain.
Ultimate dimainkan di lebih daripada 42 buah negara dengan beratus-ratus ribu lelaki dan wanita termasuk kanak-kanak perempuan dan lelaki. Sukan ini telah berkembang di Malaysia terutamanya di Semenanjung.

Permainan Ultimate yang dimainkan oleh dua pasukan tujuh pemain dengan satu cakera yang berteknologi tinggi plastik di padang yang lebih kurang sama dengan bola sepak Amerika. Objektif permainan adalah untuk mendapat dan menangkap hantaran/pas dalam zon akhir lawan. 
Pemain perlu berhenti berlari semasa memegang atau memiliki cakera, tetapi dibenarkan untuk melakukan pivot dan hantaran/pas kepada mana-mana rakan sepasukan/penerima yang lain di dalam padang. Ultimate adalah permainan peralihan di mana pemain bergerak dengan pantas dari menyerang kepada bertahan pada setiap turnovers yang berlaku seperti hantaran/pas yang gagal, interception, hantaran/pas jatuh di luar padang, atau apabila seorang pemain memegang cakera lebih daripada sepuluh saat.

Yang paling menyeronokkan sukan Ultimate ini ialah tiada pengadil. Semua keputusan adalah terletak pada Spirit of the Game(SOTG) setiap pemain,iaitu tradisi kesukanan yang meletakkan tanggungjawab untuk bermain secara saksama,adil dan semangat kesukanan yang tinggi pada pemain dan bukannya pengadil.
Follow our team on facebook here!

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Fight OBESITY NOW! Malaysia was ranked FIRST

The adult obesity rate in ASEAN 
is on the rise
In 2010, Malaysia was ranked sixth 
by the World Health Organisation (WHO). The Ministry of Health reported that 
60% of Malaysian aged 18 and above had a body mass index (BMI) of over 23
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure of weight divided by height squared. BMI value of 23 to 24.9 indicates overweight, while a reading above 25 means obese.

However, in 2011, Malaysia has the highest obesity rate 
among Southeast Asian countries and ranked sixth in Asia-Pacific region, Deputy Health Minister Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin said as reported in Borneo Post online.

Obesity is a growing problem
in our country. It could lead to numerous serious health consequences such as 
diabetes, heart attack, kidney disease, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. 
To date, 14.9% and 43% of Malaysians aged above 30 suffer from diabetes and hypertension respectively. 20.7% of adults over 18 suffer from high cholesterol. This is indeed an alarming figure. Added to that, obesity in the younger generation which includes children is also increasing.(Farah Abu Bakar, Natrah Mohd Emran and Priscilla Annabel, 2011)

Realizing the seriousness of this issue, the 
Ministry  of Health will employ 300 nutritionists
to serve at government clinics nationwide to help tackle the  growing obesity problems. Their job is mainly to create more awareness on the dangers of unhealthy eating. On top of that, the Malaysian Council for Obesity Prevention (MCOM) was launched in April  2010. This comprises 
13 professional bodies and NGOs 
and was set up to help the government counter the problem of obesity in the country. Besides that,  there are other aggressive health campaigns that had been launched by the Government and NGOs nationwide in order to address this concern. (Farah Abu Bakar, Natrah Mohd Emran and Priscilla Annabel, 2011)

Government of  Malaysia is trying their best to
decrease and prevent further consequences.
Are you also contribute to these statistics? 
If NO, have you take steps to ensure that you will continue to be 
outside of that percentage? 
If YES, are you maintaining it and ensure to the 
optimum level of health?

MyForesigt TM (myfutures.my)
Borneo Post Online, 2011
Berita Harian, 2011

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Exercise Benefits

Physical Benefits Of Exercise

Increases weight loss, fat reduction

Fitness level improvements

Increases muscle toning, muscle shaping

Health level improvements

Increases body shaping, body sculpting

Increases muscle strength / muscular strength

Increases energy levels, peak performance

Increases aerobic strength / cardio strength

Improves posture, bearing, stance

Improves skill and agility

Tends to delay aging, delays aging process

Daily chores more easily performed

Increases protection from injuries

Improves flexibility

Increases stamina and endurance

Improves inner core strength

Improves muscle balance

Enhances body power and speed

Proper body weight / body composition

Stronger skeletal system

Neuromuscular coordination and balance

Look better / look healthier / youthful look

Increases physical productivity

Conditions digestive, excretory systems

Stronger resistance to disease

Alleviates many diseases and conditions

Heart disease risk reduction

Increases HDL cholesterol / good cholesterol

High blood pressure reduction

Possibility of certain cancers reduced

Mental Benefits Of Exercise

Mental stress reduction

Induces mental relaxation

Improves confidence

Improves mental productivity

Improves concentration

Improves mental sharpness

Calms a bad temper

Promotes better sleep

Emotional Benefits Of Exercise

Anxiety reduction

Helps you manage stress better

Enhances self-image

Improves quality of life

Enhances a feeling of well being

Enhances more positive focus

Enhances higher quality of life

Increases outlook on life

Increases social rewards

Helps you feel better about yourself and life

Often, an important incentive to exercise, when performed correctly, is LOOKING GOOD AND FEELING GOOD!

A very important, often overlooked benefit, is that after a while on an exercise program, many people increase their attention to more healthly activities, including a better diet and decrease their attention to health hindering activities, such as poor diet, smoking, negative thinking. Exercise definitely leads to a healthier, happier lifestyle.

Benefits Of Strength Training

According the American Council On Exercise, strength training benefits include the following:
                  Increases bone strength
                  Increases ligament tensile strength
                  Increases muscle fiber size
                  Increases capillary density increase
                  Increases strength of the muscle contractions
                  Increases tendon tensile strength

Benefits Of Cardiovascular Exercise

According to the ACSM, The American College Of Sports Medicine, the benefits of cardio respiratory exercise include the following*:

                  Adaptive physiologic responses increases
                  Aerobic work capacity increases
                  All-cause mortality reduction
                  Anxiety and depression decreases
                  Blood pressure decreases
                  Body fat stores decreases
                  Capillary density and blood flow to active muscles increases
                  Clinical symptoms of anxiety, tension and depression reduced
                  Decreases resting heart rate
                  HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) increases
                  Health benefits increases
                  Heart volume increases
                  Incidence of some cancers decreases
                  Increase in heart function
                  Lactate threshold increases
                  Lung diffusion capacity increases
                  Maximal ventilation increases
                  Maximum cardiac output increase
                  Maximum oxygen consumption increases
                  Mobilization and utilization of fat increases
                  Mortality in post myocardial infarction patients decreases
                  Reduction in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion
                  Resting and maximum stroke volume increases
                  Total blood volume increases
                  Total cholesterol decreases

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Obesity in Malaysia

National Health Morbidity Survey showed that the prevalence of obesity among Malaysians rose from 20.6% to 43.1% in a ten-year period from 1996 to 2006.

6 500 000 of Malaysian adult and 35% (9 648 037) of Malaysian  children were obese.

Along with this, the prevalence of non-communicable diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer has also increased.“In fact, Malaysia ranks sixth in Asia and top in South-East Asia for obesity. We certainly have the ‘Malaysia Boleh’ quality when it comes to obesity,” said Deputy Health Minister Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin.

Let's face it, let's start it, let's do it and it's not all that difficult to start a fitness routine. After all, most of us have done it more than once.

The trouble, of course, comes with sticking with it. All too often, our initial enthusiasm and energy wanes, we get distracted by other things going on in our lives, or we don't think we're seeing results quickly enough -- and we throw in the towel.

Friday, 7 October 2011

Exercise : How To Get Started?

Why should I exercise?
Increased physical activity can lead to a longer life and improved health. Exercise helps prevent heart disease and many other health problems. Exercise builds strength, gives you more energy and can help you reduce stress. It is also a good way to curb your appetite and burn calories.

Who should exercise?
Increased physical activity can benefit almost everyone. Most people can begin gradual, moderate exercise on their own. If you think there is a reason you may not be able to exercise safely, talk with your doctor before beginning a new exercise program. In particular, your doctor needs to know if you have heart trouble, high blood pressure or arthritis, or if you often feel dizzy or have chest pains. 

What kind of exercise should I do?

Exercises that increase your heart rate and move large muscles (such as the muscles in your legs and arms) are best. Choose an activity that you enjoy and that you can start slowly and increase gradually as you become used to it. Walking is very popular and does not require special equipment. Other good exercises include swimming, biking, jogging and dancing. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator or walking instead of driving may also be a good way to start being more active. 

How long should I exercise?
Start off exercising 3 or more times a week for 20 minutes or more, and work up to at least 30 minutes, 4 to 6 times a week. This can include several short bouts of activity in a day. Exercising during a lunch break or on your way to do errands may help you add physical activity to a busy schedule. Exercising with a friend or a family member can help make it fun, and having a partner to encourage you can help you stick to it. 

Is there anything I should do before and after I exercise?
You should start an exercise session with a gradual warm-up period. During this time (about 5 to 10 minutes), you should slowly stretch your muscles first, and then gradually increase your level of activity. For example, begin walking slowly and then pick up the pace.
After you are finished exercising, cool down for about 5 to 10 minutes. Again, stretch your muscles and let your heart rate slow down gradually. You can use the same stretches as in the warm-up period.

If you are going to exercise your upper body, be sure to use stretching exercises for your arms, shoulders, chest and back. 

How hard do I have to exercise?
Even small amounts of exercise are better than none at all. Start with an activity you can do comfortably. As you become more used to exercising, try to keep your heart rate at about 60% to 85% of your "maximum heart rate." 

How do I avoid injuring myself?
The safest way to keep from injuring yourself during exercise is to avoid trying to do too much too soon. Start with an activity that is fairly easy for you, such as walking. Do it for a few minutes a day or several times a day. Then slowly increase the time and level of activity. For example, increase how fast you walk over several weeks. If you feel tired or sore, ease up somewhat on the level of exercise, or take a day off to rest. Try not to give up entirely even if you don't feel great right away! Talk with your doctor if you have questions or think you have injured yourself seriously.

So, what are you waiting for? Lets get it started!

So many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health ~ A.J.Materi

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Water - Key to Good Health

Funny as it may appear, water 
although always taken for granted may be the single most important tool in 
losing weight and staying healthy.  
Water does wonders as it 
naturally suppresses the appetite 
and helps wonderfully in 
metabolizing the fat
that is stored in your body. Many studies have shown that a decrease water intake can cause fat deposits to increase, while increasing your water intake you can actually reduce your fat deposits.   

can help in maintaining proper muscle tone 
by aiding in your muscle’s ability to contract, and is also very helpful for your skin and can prevent sagging skin that comes with age and weight loss, which shrinking cells are buoyed by water which plumps the skin and leaves it 
resilient, healthy, and clear, giving you that “glow”
that appears with healthy people.

is very important in ridding the body of toxins and waste 
especially during weight loss as the body has a lot more wastes to dump, because all of the metabolized fat has to go somewhere.  If the body gets too little water it begins to take it from the internal organs and the colon, and the end result turns into constipation.  By drinking water your 
normal bowel functions can work properly.

Also, when you drink less water 
your body automatically goes into survival mode and begins to store every ounce of water in your body. So it is important to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day to keep all your inner functions working properly.

How much water should we drink?
It is suggested for a person to drink 
8 eight glasses of water per day.
 Although an overweight person will need to drink one additional glass of water for every 12 kg of excess weight.  
Keep in mind that if you exercise you should consume more as well.  It is best to drink water when cold as it is absorbed faster into your system than warm water and can immediately up your metabolism which can cause you to burn more calories.

So by keeping to this water ration you will certainly 
enjoy proper body functions 
which equally great health 
and although your doctor will miss seeing you, you will most certainly be the better for it all
thanks to water.

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Malaysia SIHAT 2020?

Jika ingin dibandingkan dengan negara jiran, Malaysia dilihat berjaya dalam menangani masalah "penyakit gaya hidup". Tetapi dalam diam, peratusan penyakit-penyakit kronik juga semakin meningkat di Malaysia. Setiap tahun peratusan dan bilangan pesakit penyakit-penyakit kronik ini bertambah. Adakah rakyat Malaysia benar-benar faham mengenai gaya hidup sihat? Adakah sekadar tahu sahaja mengenai gaya hidup sihat sudah memadai atau mencukupi? Perhatikan statistik tersebut;

Jumlah penduduk di Malaysia = 27,565,821 orang
14,112,667 lelaki 
13,453,154 perempuan

Adakah anda turut menyumbang kepada statistik tersebut? Jika TIDAK, apakah langkah untuk memastikan anda akan terus berada diluar daripada peratusan tersebut? Jika YA, apakah langkah untuk memastikan kesihatan pada tahap yang optimum? (Suhardi, 2011)

Sumber: World Health Organization(WHO) 2011 Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia dan Berita Harian Online 2010

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Let's get it started!

Hello there!
Lets discuss and share about lifestyle, health and fitness here.
Are you healthy enough? Follow me up guys.